Resourcing for electoral
The Election Resource Centre Africa (ERC) is a think tank and advocacy organization on electoral and democracy issues in Africa. About Us

Balloting & Election Services

ERC provides balloting and election services to political parties, civil society organisations, government institutions and corporates

Capacity Development

Election Resource Centre carries out capacity building initiatives and trainings to address emerging issues for electoral stakeholders

Election Observation

ERC provides oversight on election processes through the deployment of election observers for local and national elections

Legal Advisory

ERC provides a strategic perspective, helping clients to address all issues impacting the electoral environment. We bring together legal advice, strategy, and analysis.
Election Resource Centre Africa

Improvement of the quality of electoral & democratic practices in the continent.

The Election Resource Centre Africa (ERC) is a think tank and advocacy organisation on electoral and democracy issues in Africa. The organisation was formed in January 2010 following the need to deepen electoral research work in Africa that would inform effective citizen participation as well as strengthen policy engagement towards improvement of the quality of electoral and democratic practices.

Election Resource Centre Africa

Our Campaigns

Our vision is a African continent with transparent, credible & inclusive democratic & electoral processes democratic & electoral processes.

Get in touch

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any enquiries!

    Our mission is to provide credible information, strategic services and deliberative platforms that aim to improve the quality of democracy and elections at all tiers of Zimbabwean society and Africa at large.

    We are available for support

    Become part of our team


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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