About us

About Election Resource Centre Africa

Our mission is to improve the quality of democracy & elections at all tiers in Africa

The Election Resource Centre Africa (ERC) is a think tank and advocacy organisation on electoral and democracy issues in Africa. The organisation was formed in January 2010 following the need to deepen electoral research work in Africa that would inform effective citizen participation as well as strengthen policy engagement towards improvement of the quality of electoral and democratic practices.

The ERC is a registered Trust which is governed by a Board of Trustees. The ERC envisions “an Africa with transparent, credible and inclusive electoral and democratic processes at all tiers of society.

Our Mission Our Vision Our Objectives

To provide credible information, strategic services and deliberative platforms that aim to improve the quality of democracy and elections at all tiers of Zimbabwean society and Africa at large.

An African continent with transparent, credible and inclusive democratic and electoral processes at all tiers of society.

To create a conscious, responsible citizen who participates effectively in democratic and electoral processes.

To influence transparency, credibility and inclusiveness in democratic and electoral processes.

To provide evidence based analysis for effective civic and policy engagement initiatives on democracy and elections.

Our Values

  • Electoral Justice– that state institutions must be accountable and transparent.
  • Participatory Democracy– that all Zimbabwean and African citizens at large be empowered to participate.
  • Integrity– that the whole electoral process must be trustworthy and reliable.
  • Respect for Human Rights– that the rule of law and freedom of expression and assembly must be upheld.
  • Solidarity– that ERC Africa acts in unison with all well – meaning civic society organisations, electoral stakeholders and institutions.
  • Non-partisanship– that ERC Africa executes its mandate for the benefit of all political players.
  • Credibility– that ERC Africa as an institution and a source of information is reliable, accurate and up to date.

Our Program Model

The four priority areas for ERC programming are:

  • Civic engagement
  • Research
  • Policy Engagement
  • Strategic Election Service Provision

Our Systems Approach To Programming

ERC Africa utilises the Systems Approach to its programming model, which is based on four major strategic issues – community engagement and mobilisation, civic education, policy engagement and civic engagement.  This approach recognises the interrelated nature of our programming, which is focused and dependent on research

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