What We Do

What We Do

ERC has ongoing activities mainly focused on strengthening citizen engagement in democracy and elections.

Consistently, the organisation has since 2010 designed various programmes that impacted positively towards the participation of citizens in democratic processes, much as they contributed to significant reforms to electoral processes particularly in Zimbabwe especially during the transitional period ahead of the 2013 polls which marked the denouement of the coalition.

Currently the organisation has ongoing activities relevant to the obtaining pre-electoral period mainly focused on strengthening citizen engagement in democracy and elections. In an effort to make demand meet supply, ERC closely engages key electoral policy makers in particular the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, the Parliament of Zimbabwe and the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, the SADC, AU and the international community at large.

Fundamentally, the organisation has positioned itself as a conduit of citizen electoral priority issues, a resource centre of electoral research findings and advocacy for comprehensive legislative, environmental and administrative electoral reform.

The ERC is a registered Trust which is governed by a Board of Trustees. The ERC envisions “an Africa with transparent, credible and inclusive electoral and democratic processes at all tiers of society.

Balloting & Election Services

ERC provides balloting and election services to political parties, civil society organisations, government institutions and corporates. Independent balloting and election services enhance the credibility of organisational elections.

Capacity Development

ERC carries out capacity building initiatives and trainings to address emerging issues for electoral stakeholders which include state institutions, Parliament and political parties.

Election Observation

ERC provides oversight on election processes through the deployment of election observers for local and national elections. ERC works with international and regional election observation missions, citizens and political parties at various levels.

Legal Advisory

ERC provides a strategic perspective, helping clients to address all issues impacting the electoral environment. We bring together legal advice, strategy, and analysis to develop solutions for emergent needs


  • No. 1 Raleigh Street, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Toll Free: 08080219
  • information@erczim.org

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