About us

How to become an observer

To become an Election Observer one must apply to the Chief Elections Officer to become an observer or join as an observer through a local organisation that observes elections.


Wait for ZEC to open the accreditation process


Apply to be an observer or identify and join a local organisation that observes elections.


Receive accreditation at a designated ZEC Accreditation Centre

Role: Persons who are accredited as observers are entitled to observe the election process and, in particular, the conduct of polling at the election and be present at the counting or collating of votes cast at the election.

How to become an Election Agent

To become an Election Agent, a person must be appointed by a Chief Election Agent who is representing a candidate participating in an election.


Identify a political party/candidate to join


Follow their internal procedures to be able to become an election agent.

Role: Election agents are appointed to observe proceedings on polling day at polling places for the purpose of observing whether the processes are carried out in accordance with the Electoral Act.

Pledge To Register

#PledgeToRegisterZW is an online campaign and election engagement project which allows Zimbabweans to pledge to register to vote once electoral activities resume. The campaign leverages social media platforms and outreach to encourage every citizen to make a firm commitment—in the form of a “pledge to register” —as a way of encouraging voter participation and the awareness of civic responsibilities.

The pledge also calls on citizens to challenge their communities and social networks to participate and do the same.

Pledge To #RegisterToVoteZW by calling tollfree 08080219

Register To Vote

Voter Registration Requirements

  • National identity or valid passport
  • 18 and above and a Zimbabwean citizen
  • Proof of residence. However, if you do not have a proof of residence, ZEC will avail you a VR9 form that can be used as an alternative.

Check Your Registration Status

Check your name in the voters roll by dialing *265# on Econet and NetOne platforms or visiting the ZEC website: https://bvrinspection.zec.org.zw/index.php.

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