
Shuttle Service

Shuttle Service The ERC through a “Shuttle Service” offers citizens the option to use the shuttle service to ferry them to and from registration centres. The ERC assists those who have requested the shuttle service by transporting them to and from registration centres and providing critical electoral information required to…
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Call Your MP

Call Your MP An individual’s right to vote ties that person to our social order, even if that person chooses not to exercise that right. Voting represents the beginning; everything else in our democracy follows the right to vote. Participation is more than just a value. It is a foundational…
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Pledge To Register Campaign

Pledge To Register Campaign #PledgeToRegisterZW To overcome apathy brought about by the suspension and increase voter turnout, the Election Resource Centre (ERC) launched a nationwide #PledgetoRegisterZW Campaign which is an online campaign that calls on the public to pledge to register to vote once electoral activities resume and seeks to…
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Voters Roll Inspection

Voters Roll Inspection An individual’s right to vote ties that person to our social order, even if that person chooses not to exercise that right. Voting represents the beginning; everything else in our democracy follows the right to vote. Participation is more than just a value. It is a foundational…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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