Call Your MP

Call Your MP

An individual’s right to vote ties that person to our social order, even if that person chooses not to exercise that right. Voting represents the beginning; everything else in our democracy follows the right to vote. Participation is more than just a value. It is a foundational virtue of our democracy.

To make your voice heard on an issue or candidate; don’t let others decide for you. Substantive representation of youth: The assumption is that voting will affect the nature of representation and ultimately the content of public policy. If young people do not register to vote and participate in elections, their distinct interests are more likely to be ignored or neglected by policy-makers.

Every vote does count! Remember: there is power in numbers. When we vote and get our family members to vote, we can impact outcomes and change the debate. Zimbabwe’s youth represent over 60% of the population and about 44% of the total voters’ roll. Young people should vote to ensure high overall turnout.

Political integration strengthens democracy; political integration of the youth promotes public oversight, public order and democratic stability as long as young people are given a real voice, their vote is seen as meaningful and influential.

Don’t let others decide for you; if you don’t vote, you’re letting others decide who wins and what issues matter. Today’s non-voters benefit from government and social services (like access to health care, spending on education, income inequality or public safety).


  • No. 1 Raleigh Street, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Toll Free: 08080219

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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