Pledge To Register Campaign

Pledge To Register Campaign


To overcome apathy brought about by the suspension and increase voter turnout, the Election Resource Centre (ERC) launched a nationwide #PledgetoRegisterZW Campaign which is an online campaign that calls on the public to pledge to register to vote once electoral activities resume and seeks to reverse the negative impact of voter apathy by providing safe platforms for electoral engagement even under COVID-19 lockdowns.

The #PledgetoRegisterZW campaign provides a segway for citizens to make a commitment to register to vote while electoral activities are suspended by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission. The ERC will contact pledgers occasionally to remind them of the status of electoral activities and award them the opportunity to register via the ERC Shuttle Service once electoral activities resume. Additionally, those under 18 will be contacted on their 18th birthday and the ERC will help them go through the registration process.

How to participate
  • ERC website at or
  • Send a WhatsApp message to +263 787 850 268 or
  • Call toll free 08080219.
  • Encourage your family and loved ones to participate.


  • No. 1 Raleigh Street, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Toll Free: 08080219

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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