You can learn more from our asked questions

Your Identity Document (Passport or National ID) and;

Proof of Residency

(If the registrant does not have a proof of residency, ZEC will provide a VR9 (affidavit) form which will be used as proof of residency.)

NO! You do not need to re-register. You can inspect and confirm your registration status on the ZEC self service voter inspection portal


No! You do not need to re-register; however, you need to go to your nearest ZEC Provincial or District Office with your new proof of residence to change your polling station.

Registration is now polling station based, therefore you are assigned the most appropriate polling station based on your proof of residence.

Registration is done at all ZEC Provincial and District offices.  You can find a list of all registration centres on the ZEC website or call ERC on Toll free on 08080219 someone will assist you.

NO! Unfortunately, ZEC does not offer citizens the option to register online. For one to register, you need to physically go to your nearest registration centre.

Still haven’t found an answer to your questions?

For any enquiries relating to Election Resource Centre Africa feel free to get in touch with us through our contact details or fill in the form below.

Head office address:

No. 1 Raleigh Street, Harare, Zimbabwe

Call for help:


Mail for information:


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