Independence Day: A Day to Reflect in Pursuit of Unity, Peace, and Development Towards Vision 2030. 

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Independence Day: A Day to Reflect in Pursuit of Unity, Peace, and Development Towards Vision 2030. 

Today marks the 44th anniversary of Zimbabwe’s independence, a significant milestone in our nation’s history. It is a time to reflect on the journey that has brought us to this moment and to honor the sacrifices made by those who fought for our liberation. As we join the rest of Zimbabweans in celebrating this day, the Election Resource Centre (ERC) is reminded of the principles that guided the struggle for independence: the quest for freedom from colonial rule, universal suffrage, and the commitment to free, fair, and credible elections. The principles remain as relevant today as they were 44 years ago and should continue to guide efforts to build a democratic and inclusive Zimbabwe.

While progress has been made since 1980, we must acknowledge the continued, persistent challenges in our electoral democracy. The shrinking of civic space, increasing restrictions on political participation, deprivation of fundamental human rights, and the lack of transparency and accountability in electoral processes are obstacles that must be addressed to fully realize the full aspirations of political independence. Continued perennial electoral process and outcome disputes in elections make it imperative to prioritize electoral and political reforms in Zimbabwe, encompassing a comprehensive review of legislation shaping the political and electoral landscape in order to leave no one behind as well as restore confidence in our electoral and governance systems. It is now established that politics and economics can only be positive if they mutually reinforce each other; thus, as Zimbabweans, we all must tirelessly reach out to one another to make Zimbabwe a great nation.

On this independence day, the ERC calls on citizens and the government to reaffirm their commitment to building a Zimbabwe where every voice is heard, every vote counts, and every citizen can participate openly in shaping the future of our nation. Together, we can uphold the ideals of independence and ensure that Zimbabwe continues to move forward on the path of democracy and progress.

Happy Independence Day, Zimbabwe!

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