By-Elections Midday Statement on 3 February 2024 By-Elections

By-Elections Midday Statement on 3 February 2024 By-Elections

On Saturday, February 3, 2024, the Election Resource Centre (ERC) deployed observers to
observe by-elections to fill vacancies in Chegutu West and Zvimba East constituencies
(Mashonaland West), Goromonzi South and Seke constituencies (Mashonaland East), Mkoba
North (Midlands) and Pelandaba-Tshabalala (Bulawayo Metropolitan) constituencies. The
vacancies were prompted by the controversial recalls of Members of Parliament in the
constituencies by the purported Interim Secretary-General of the Citizens Coalition for Change
(CCC), Sengezo Tshabangu on 13 November 2023.

The ERC, a think-tank and advocacy group on electoral and democratic issues in Zimbabwe,
deployed 100 short-term observers across the six constituencies in accordance with Section 40I
to carry out the election observer duties as specified by Section 40G of the Electoral Act. The
objective of ERC’s by-election observation mission is to contribute to enhanced transparency
and accountability of electoral processes by providing systematic and factual information on the
conduct of the process, and inclusion by giving voters the confidence to participate in the
electoral process.

ERC’s initial findings are based on reports received from 96% of observed polling locations and
focus on findings submitted by ERC observers on the set-up, opening of polling stations and
morning voting on election day. We are pleased to share with stakeholders our findings as of
13:00 hours.


  1. Pre-Polling Processes
    Observers reported that in all polling locations the Presiding Officer conducted pre-polling
    processes (including declaring ballot boxes empty and sealing them) per the ZEC Election
    Officers Manual which guides election day processes and the conduct of election officers.
  2. Opening of Polling Stations
    ● 100% of our observers were permitted to observe the by-elections at their assigned
    polling stations.
    ● 95% of our observers report that 99% of polling stations opened on time and the ERC
    further notes that at observed polling stations all ZEC officials were present.

● Election material including ballot papers, ballot boxes, booths, voters roll, indelible ink,
and stamps were present at all polling stations.
● The voters’ roll was evidently placed outside polling stations according to 100% of our
● The secrecy of the vote was well protected given the placement of ballot booths within
the polling stations,

  1. Inclusion
    ● The ERC notes that from reports 96% of polling stations were accessible to people with
    disabilities, however 4% remain inaccessible to PWD’s.
    ● 50% of Presiding Officers deployed by the Electoral Commission were female from the
    observed polling stations across the 6 constituencies, while 57.1% of all electoral officers
    were female.
  2. Voting Process
    ERC observers noted in the observation of the voting process that;
    ● On average there were 4 police officers deployed at observed polling stations.
    ● The by-elections have been characterised by low voter turnout. The ERC notes that at
    12:00 noon voter turnout was approximately 11%.
    ● The ERC observed that on average 80 people had cast their votes by midday at the
    observed polling stations, of this number, an average of 3.8% of the votes cast were cast
    by assisted voters. Reasons cited for assistance include illiteracy (34%), elderly (45%)
    and PWD’s (30%).

  3. Message to Eligible Voters
    We continue to urge registered voters in Chegutu West, Goromonzi South, Mkoba North,
    Pelandaba-Tshabalala, Seke and Zvimba East Constituencies who are yet to cast their ballot to
    show up and be counted, the stations close at 1900hrs.
    We urge Zimbabweans to actively participate in these by-elections given that elections remain a
    key hallmark of any democracy as citizens are accorded the right and opportunity to choose
    their leaders and give them legitimacy to act on their behalf as part of the social contract.
    About Election Resource Centre (ERC)
    The ERC is a think tank and advocacy organisation on electoral and democracy issues in
    Africa,having been formed in January 2010 following the need to deepen electoral research
    work in Africa that would inform effective citizen participation as well as strengthen policy
    engagement towards improvement of the quality of electoral and democratic practices. Our
    vision is an African continent with transparent, credible, inclusive democratic and electoral

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