(As of 12:00 pm Saturday 9 December 2023)

The Election Resource Centre (ERC) is observing the 9 December 2023 by-elections that arose
as a result of recalls from Parliament in Bulawayo South, Cowdray Park, Lobengula-Magwegwe,
Mpopoma-Mzilikazi, Nketa, Lupane East, Binga North and Beitbridge West Constituencies. The
focus of the effort include observing the conduct of polling during the elections, establishing
voting trends in by-elections as well as tracking adherence to legal provisions and standards in
the conduct of democratic, free, fair and credible elections. Overall, this effort seeks to
document and provide a comprehensive review of the by-election to Zimbabwe Electoral
Commission (ZEC), political parties, stakeholders and the people of Zimbabwe.

The ERC has deployed 60 trained and accredited observers, which include 44 polling station
based observers and 16 mobile observers covering 8 constituencies and 38 wards. A total of 69
polling stations have been observed so far. The polling station based observers have been
deployed at polling locations in the constituencies to provide the ERC enough data to comment
on the electoral processes within the constituencies.

ERC’s initial findings are based on reports received from 86% of observed polling locations and
focus on findings submitted by ERC observers on the set-up, opening of polling stations and
morning voting on election day.

  1. Arrival at Polling Stations
    By 7:00 am, all ERC Observers were at their assigned polling locations. In all polling stations
    where ERC observers are deployed, ZEC staff respected the ERC Observer’s status as an
    accredited observer and permitted them to observe at the polling stations. We have 100% of our
    observers permitted to observe.
  2. Polling Set-Up
    2.1. Polling Station Personnel – ERC Observers reported that most polling stations had
    the necessary polling personnel ahead of voting (including Presiding Officer – 100%,
    Usher – 88%, Voters Roll Officer – 100%, Statistics Officer – 97%, Indelible Ink
    Marking Officer – 97%, Ballot Paper Issuer – 100%, Recording Officer – 100%,
    Security Official – 100%, Election Observers – 85%, Media – 22.5% and Candidates –
    2.2. Election Material – 100% of observers reported that all essential strategic materials
    (including the voter’s roll, ballot papers, ballot boxes and seals and indelible ink)
    were available at all observed polling locations at the time of opening.
    2.3. Pre-Polling Processes – Observers reported that in all polling locations the
    Presiding Officer conducted pre-polling processes (including Declaring Ballot Boxes
    Empty and Sealing them) per the ZEC Election Officers Manual which guides
    election day processes and the conduct of election officers.
    2.4. Deployment of Party Agents – ZANU PF party agents were sighted at 97% of
    polling locations, Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) polling agents were present at


50% of polling locations, while ERC observers also noted the presence of party
agents representing other parties or candidates at 10% of the polling stations.
2.5. Security Personnel – ERC observers noted that at 100% of observed polling
locations, security personnel were stationed during the setup and pre-polling process
and there was an average of 3 police officers per polling station.

  1. Opening Time
    97% of ERC Observers reported that voting commenced on time at 07:15 am at their
    stations and by 08:00 am all stations under observation had commenced voting.
  2. Voter Turnout
    Preliminary indications from collected data states that voter turnout for the by-elections is
    low averaging 15.7%, highest being at Ndimimbili Pre-School (Lupane East
    Constituency) where turnout stands at 53.5% as at 12:00 pm.
  3. Assisted Voters
    The ERC has observed that, on average 10% of total votes cast during the by-election
    have been cast by assisted voters during the morning voting period for the by-election.
    Notable polling stations include;
    ● Jiba Jiba Pre-School (Lupane East Constituency) where 40% of the total votes
    cast so far have been cast by assisted voters.
    ● Cheenga Primary School A (Binga North Constituency) where 34% of the total
    votes cast so far have been cast by assisted voters.
    ● Sinansengwe Business Center Tent (Binga North Constituency) where 34% of
    the total votes cast so far have been cast by assisted voters.
    The main reasons cited for assistance include illiteracy 27%, elderly 39% and 21%
    people with disabilities (PWD’s) and other reasons cited.
  4. Critical Incidents
    ● The ERC noted an incident at Msitheli High School (Mpopoma-Mzilikazi
    Constituency) where the voters roll published outside the polling station was not
    visible for the public. This was later adjusted.
  5. Recommendations
    ● Political party agents continue monitoring the process through voting, closing,
    and counting in a peaceful manner. They are also encouraged to mobilise their
    supporters and the registered voters who have not turned out to vote.

The ERC commends the Zimbabwean electorate for turning out to vote despite the low numbers
and disputes around the process leading to the by-elections.
We call on voters who are yet to turn out to vote to go to their polling stations to cast their vote.

Your Vote Counts!

As an organisation, we remain committed to providing credible information, strategic services,
and deliberative platforms that aim to improve the quality of democracy and elections at all tiers
of Zimbabwean society.

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