The Election Resource Centre Africa (ERC) is not Training any Political Party Election  Agents 

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The Election Resource Centre Africa (ERC) is not Training any Political Party Election  Agents 

23 June 2023 

The ERC is a think tank and advocacy organization on electoral and democracy issues in  Africa, having been formed in January 2010 following the need to deepen electoral research  work in Africa that would inform effective citizen participation as well as strengthen policy  engagement towards improvement of the quality of electoral and democratic practices. Our  vision is an African continent with transparent, credible, inclusive democratic and electoral  processes. 

On the 21st of June 2023, ZANU PF Treasurer General Mr Patrick A. Chinamasa in a Press  Statement stated that “it has come to the notice of the ZANU PF Department of Finance  that…Elections Resource Centre (ERC) have announced that they are putting together a  donationUS$10m for the training of 12500 Election Agents for each of the Political Parties  participating in the forthcoming Harmonized Elections”

Unfortunately, this statement from ZANU PF is not true with regards to the Election  Resource Centre Africa (ERC). As the ERC we therefore put it on record that we are  neither aware of this donation nor are we part of such a program as alleged by ZANU  PF. As a law abiding entity, we continue striving for electoral excellence, our mission as the  ERC is to provide credible information, strategic services and deliberative platforms that aim  to improve the quality of democracy and elections at all tiers of Zimbabwean society and Africa  at large. 

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