ERC concerned by defiance of court order by traditional leaders

Speaking at the official opening of the refurbished Mhondoro Hospital in Mubaira, Mashonaland West province, the 2nd Secretary of ZANU PF, Kembo Mohadi revealed that traditional leaders have agreed to frogmarch their subjects to polling stations to vote for the ruling party. This comes four months before Zimbabwe conducts the 2023 Harmonised elections. In 2018, the Election Resource Centre (ERC) filed a High Court application against Chief Charumbira citing the comments he had made during a National Council of Chief’s calling on all traditional chiefs to support ZANU PF . This application was premised on Section 281 (2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe that stipulates that traditional leaders must not act in a partisan manner or further the interests of any political party. On May 14 2018, the High Court of Zimbabwe ordered that the utterances made by Chief Charumbira were unconstitutional and partisan and that the Chief was to retract the statement within 14 days. However, the Chief is in contempt of the court order and continues to defy the justice system.

Utterances made by 2nd Secretary of the ZANU PF, Kembo Mohadi goes against the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Comments made by Cde Mohadi spearhead the partisan manner and furthers the interests of ZANU PF ahead of the 2023 Harmonised elections. The comments  shows the  attitude of political parties towards the implementation of the court order issued against Chief Charumbira who continues to defy justice. As political parties campaign ahead of the 2023 Harmonised elections, they must  desist from activities that defy the constitution

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