ERC Condemns Police Brutality on CCC activist

ERC Condemns Police Brutality on CCC activist.
The Election Resource Centre (ERC) is a think tank and advocacy organization
organisation on electoral and democracy issues in Zimbabwe.

The ERC condemns the brutality unleashed on Godfrey Karembera popularly known
as “Madzibaba Veshanduko”, a prominent Citizens for Change Coalition (CCC)
activist whilst in Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRPs) custody. The ZRP has a duty to
protect and not harm citizens, despite their political affiliations. Section 53 of the
Constitution of Zimbabwe states that “no person may be subjected to physical or
psychological torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”.

The referred conduct of the police is deplorable, illegal and must be challenged to
ensure no further perpetuation of the illegality is experienced again in Zimbabwe.
The heavy handedness of the police officers is not only illegal in Zimbabwe but goes
against regional and international instruments. The alleged police brutality paints a
dark picture for Zimbabwe as the country prepares for the March 26 2022 by-elections
and the 2023 Harmonised elections. Harmony, peace and absence of violence will
ensure active citizen participation in electoral processes.

Zimbabwe is a safe space for All.

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