The Election Resource Centre (ERC) notes with dismay at the postponement of the
Voter Registration Blitz scheduled to begin on the 6th of December, 2021, which was
aimed at “addressing under-registration and affording new voters who have turned 18
a chance to register”.

Voter registration is arguably one of the most important pre-election activities, as voter
registration ensures equitable participation in elections, enhances voter turnout, and
impacts on the delimitation of constituency boundaries. The importance of voter
registration ahead of the delimitation process cannot be overstated as true
representative democracy will only be achieved through equitable representation. The
voter registration blitz was important, particularly for engaging first-time voters and
under-registered areas ahead of delimitation.

COVID-19 has presented challenges to the administration of voter registration as the
pandemic has greatly impacted the accessibility of registration centres and the
inclusiveness of the process. The voter registration blitz scheduled for December was an
opportunity for ZEC to take advantage of the low COVID-19 infection rates, implement
and test the effectiveness of the ZEC COVID-19 Policy on Electoral Activities and
overcome the challenges imposed by the pandemic.

With murmurs of a fourth wave hitting Zimbabwe after the festive period, the
postponement of the December voter registration blitz is a missed opportunity for the
Electoral Commission.

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